Iqaudio dac pro and Rune / alsa settings

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Iqaudio dac pro and Rune / alsa settings

Postby Lol999 » 26 Jan 2018, 10:18

Hi, hope someone can be of help on this one it's probably simple but I'm struggling with it :-)

I have just installed an Iquadio dac pro on my Pi 3 and I understand it supports hardware volume control via alsa.

In the hope of keeping everything bit perfect could someone please give me a list of settings in both Rune and alsa that I need to configure to achieve this?

Thanks, Lol
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Re: Iqaudio dac pro and Rune / alsa settings

Postby janui » 26 Jan 2018, 11:12

Hi Lol999,
Basically the answer is: do nothing, it is already bit perfect.

But you should check that the software volume control is off.
Depending on the implementation which Texas Instruments have used in their PCM5242 chip (which is used in this dac) the hardware volume control may reduce bit quality when not at 100%. The PCM5242 specifications sheet does not specify how they do this. But the hardware volume control is normally very, very good, you wont hear any quality loss. So using the hardware volume control, nomally at 100%, and occasionally reducing it when you need to is a good strategy.
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Re: Iqaudio dac pro and Rune / alsa settings

Postby Lol999 » 26 Jan 2018, 19:11

Hi Janui, thanks for the reply. I need to reduce volume because through the headphones it's deafening. If i set it to hardware volume control in Rune do I need to make the actual adjustment through alsamixer?
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Re: Iqaudio dac pro and Rune / alsa settings

Postby janui » 26 Jan 2018, 20:29

Hi Lol999,
If you are only using the hardware volume control the net result is always the same, it doesn’t matter where you make the adjustment.
You could contact the supplier to ask if there is a way of independently controlling the volume of the headphone amplifier. While you are at it you could also ask about the undocumented P6 connector. Ask if it possible to add an analogue volume control here?
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Re: Iqaudio dac pro and Rune / alsa settings

Postby Lol999 » 26 Jan 2018, 21:11

Hi janui, I take it then that Rune has an alsa layer for want of a better description?

Anyhow, regards the P6 situation I think you want page 27 of the following link:

This also looks useful:

Thanks, Lol
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Re: Iqaudio dac pro and Rune / alsa settings

Postby janui » 26 Jan 2018, 22:16

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