IQaudio Pi-Dac+ & 1602 LCD - No Audio

Raspberry Pi related support

IQaudio Pi-Dac+ & 1602 LCD - No Audio

Postby Sud » 17 Sep 2016, 19:46

I have a IQaudio Pi-Dac+ which I run on a Pi 3 with Runeaudio. It works fine until I connect a 1602 lcd display to the i2c pins. Once I do this, there is no audio. The display works fine and I can change the volume in the mixer but there is still no audio. If I change the output to the Raspberry's onboard sound, this works fine too. If I unplug pin 3 (i2c_SDA) and reboot, audio from the dac will be restored but the display will not be working. Has anyone had this problem before or know of any conflicts?
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