Hi all, let me answer both recent questions in this post (if I can).
1) Does the PI-AMP only offer volume control through the software (e.g. Rune UI)?
GG: The Pi-AMP takes the variable output of the Pi-DAC+, the Pi-DAC+ has a built in hardware volume control which is adjusted through standard Linux ALSA commands.
2) Is there any benefit, in principle, of having the amp hardwired onto the DAC, without the need to run signal out via phono to an external amp?
GG: The Pi-AMP+ will back power the Pi / Pi-DAC so there is a benefit there. In terms of audio, the two could be connected via cables but we have tried to reduce the need for these.
3) It seems as though the PI-AMP may require some user soldering to attach extra pins, is this correct?
GG: Yes, it's a balance - Do we solder the pins on to the DAC+ for everyone (and increase the build cost which effects the cost to users OR do we leave it up to the AMP+ users to do the soldering but keep the Pi-DAC+ costs lower? We may at some point just solder the headers on but at the moment we're not.
4) Is this TPA3118 amp board likely to sound any better than one like the SMSL mentioned above, which seems to be generally favorably reviewed? I'm wondering whether it might possibly offer better electrical components than the SMSL?
GG: We're not going for low cost electrical components - period. Where a component has an effect on the audio path then we don't cost reduce. Where it doesn't effect the audio we'll use the best we can for the lowest price.
5) Perhaps integrating a power switch circuit would be possible, so that the Pi can be switched on/off via a switch rather than pulling the power connection manually?
GG: We thought about this but decided that people have different needs so we've just made it so that if you want to add a power switch then the Pi-AMP can be powered via a JST connector rather than the barrel connector. So you can use your own power source / soft switch etc.
We may change the spec a little but it'll be pretty close to what we've suggested above.