IQAudIO Pi-DAC+ "plus"

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IQAudIO Pi-DAC+ "plus"

Postby gswg » 13 Sep 2014, 15:15

pi-dac_plus.jpg (129.5 KiB) Viewed 9421 times
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Re: IQAudIO Pi-DAC+ "plus"

Postby spacemonkeyuk » 13 Sep 2014, 16:50

Just order, one question, are the gpio pins available
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Re: IQAudIO Pi-DAC+ "plus"

Postby gswg » 14 Sep 2014, 12:47

Thanks for the order :-)

We have exposed all 40 gpio pins as a no fit pin header.
The Pi-DAC+ uses I2C (which can be shared) and GPIO22 (to mute the Pi-AMP+)

The reason we haven't populated with a pin header by default is that not everyone will want to use them - those that do can solder on the pins needed.

Our intention is that we will provide the headers as an extra item, we'll use a 2x5 male pin header for the first 10 pins then a 2x15 male right angled pin header for the remaining I/O - The right angled header is intended to be fitted beneath the Pi-DAC+ and the straight header above. Why such a strange arrangement?

Our Pi-AMP+ will fit on top of the Pi-DAC+. It'll back power the Pi / Pi-DAC+ so needs to have access to the +5v and 0v pins. Having 2 ground and 2 +5v makes sense for this. If we use the full 40 way header then we'd need to re-expose this same 40way on the Pi-AMP+ which takes a lot of board real estate which is really needed to get an optimal layout. So the amp will simply re-expose the 2x5 header and the remaining IO will be available from the Pi-DAC+.

Obviously what you want to expose and how you expose it is up to you - but if you want to use the Pi-AMP+ when it's released then this is our preferred solution.

combination1.png (80.08 KiB) Viewed 9373 times

combination2.png (119.77 KiB) Viewed 9373 times
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Re: IQAudIO Pi-DAC+ "plus"

Postby franz159 » 14 Sep 2014, 20:24

Thank you Gordon!
I'm a very happy owner of the "original" pi dac and case (even happier when I learnt to remove the protective film from the case :D )...
I would be ready to "jump" on this new version... but only when also the amp and possibly a new suitable case will be available.
Any news about their planned availability?
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Re: IQAudIO Pi-DAC+ "plus"

Postby gswg » 16 Sep 2014, 10:15

Case in the coming days
Pi-AMP+ will be a month or so off.
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Re: IQAudIO Pi-DAC+ "plus"

Postby Dukobpa3 » 16 Sep 2014, 10:47

Can you describe parameters of your amp?
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Re: IQAudIO Pi-DAC+ "plus"

Postby gswg » 17 Sep 2014, 10:25


- Texas Instruments 3118 based Class D Stereo Amplified – up to 2 x 25W into 4 ohm
- Same PCB size as B+ with B+ mounting holes
- Directly connects to Pi-DAC+
- AMP+ will power the Pi / Pi-DAC
- Screw speaker terminals
- Additional JST connectors for power in / speaker out
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Re: IQAudIO Pi-DAC+ "plus"

Postby Dukobpa3 » 17 Sep 2014, 11:12

Nice :)
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Re: IQAudIO Pi-DAC+ "plus"

Postby LC1 » 19 Sep 2014, 14:26

I know this is the PI-DAC+ thread, but it seems the PI-AMP is also being discussed here....

Thanks for the diagrams about how the PI/PI-DAC+ and PI-AMP will fit together.

I am trying to decide whether to wait for the PI-AMP to be released, or to buy another TPA3118 D-class amp, such as the SMSL SA-36A Pro.

I am interested in the relative pros and cons of either option. I know gswg must be careful not to seem to be selling his product here, but I would be very interested in a couple of points:

1) Does the PI-AMP only offer volume control through the software (e.g. Rune UI)?

2) Is there any benefit, in principle, of having the amp hardwired onto the DAC, without the need to run signal out via phono to an external amp?

3) It seems as though the PI-AMP may require some user soldering to attach extra pins, is this correct?

4) Is this TPA3118 amp board likely to sound any better than one like the SMSL mentioned above, which seems to be generally favorably reviewed? I'm wondering whether it might possibly offer better electrical components than the SMSL?

Thanks in advance to anyone who might be able to shed some light on any of the above!
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Re: IQAudIO Pi-DAC+ "plus"

Postby Fin » 21 Sep 2014, 23:25

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