thanks Frank.
almost got it working. lirc web pages running etc, but commands weren't having any effect.
checking by running irsend command line showed irsend: hardware does not support sending, so obviously my config isn't being picked up somewhere along the way.
I'm giving up at this point and reverting to bare MPD on Debian since I more or less know what I'm doing on Debian.
Shame - rune is so much faster to load than mpod on an ipad, and the android and windows mpd clients are all very basic.
it all works with volumio, but volumio can't handle the number of tracks in my sources - a bug that goes way back and they don't seem to care about. I guess my best hope is that they fix it some time.
Had I got it working, the next challenge would have been to hack the runeaudio ui to embed a link to the ir control web page into the main rune page (the ir control web page is also runing on nginx, but on port 3000).
I had thought of raising a feature request for the ability to add custom links into the home screen (e.g. via a config file) but unless someone else has got something like this working, not of value.
thanks again.