by s.k. » 21 Nov 2019, 09:43
Hi to all !
For who may concern to setup an IR remote on Rern’s new achievements :
RuneAudio+R e2 & RuneOS - DIY RuneAudio+R e
Both of them use the new Kernel 4.19.x. who includes gpio-ir, not lirc_dev.
First you have first to install Lirc (it isn’t preinstall)
Then more or less you can follow the procigure as described here :
This changes must be performed :
1) In /boot/config.txt you have to remove Lirc line:
And replace the line :
With :
Note :
Modify the gpio xx numbers according to your IR sensor wiring.
2) In /etc/lirc/hardware.conf you have to replace the :
With :
That was the easy part.
The difficult part regards the remote configuration file (/etc/lirc/lircd.conf.d/lircd.conf)
The signals generated by gpio-ir, is slightly different from that of lirc_dev.
So you have to create a new configuration file.
To create your own configuration file, there are instructions elsewhere on the net.
Best regards
RPi2B Rev 1.1, Allo DigiOne, ATXRaspi, 16x2 OLED display - running rAudio