Issue with the RuneUI failing after a period of inactivity

Raspberry Pi related support

Re: Issue with the RuneUI failing after a period of inactivi

Postby hondagx35 » 13 Dec 2016, 15:28

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Re: Issue with the RuneUI failing after a period of inactivi

Postby ICLlP » 14 Dec 2016, 10:14

If it's the same as I have encountered the browser and device are all the same, it just doesn't work, but according to Fing the Pi is still up on the network. If I try to connect to it by SSH from my iMac it does not respond.
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Re: Issue with the RuneUI failing after a period of inactivi

Postby Kilgore » 17 Dec 2016, 08:53

After a week or so of testing I now realize that the issue is just with the android RUI app. If I stick with a laptop and Chrome there are no issues, but if I use the android app on my tablet, once the tablet goes to sleep, I can no longer access Rune with either tablet or Chrome unless I power the Pi3 off and on. I get the little green man in the top right and no connection. This is already the subject of another thread....
.... so I will now post to that one instead.
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