Issues with power management

Beaglebone Black related support

Issues with power management

Postby Jean-Louis P » 15 Jul 2014, 10:31

I am using Runeaudio with the BBB rev C, to feed Waveio board, after an unsuccessful attempt with Volumio. I use USB local disk, attached to a powered USB hub, because I never succeeded to connect to my Windows share : system freezes, no error message.

I encounter many problems for the power off/power off, eg the USB disk is not recognized at every connection and I spend a lot of time trying to reboot in several manner each time. So I leave the BBB connected 24x7, which I don't like, and the USB disk too, which I dislike even more. I tried to disconnect the HDD leaving the BBB on, sometimes it will reconnect without any problem and sometimes I have to restart the whole process as above. The USB output in the mpd player is disconnected in the process.

The only solution that works is power off, disconnect the power cable, press the switch S2 close to the SD card , connect power cable while keeping the switch pressed for 8 seconds until the system reboots, which is not convenient for an appliance which is supposed to be enclosed in a case and forgotten, and anyhow I just cannot explain it to my wife. :shock:

- Are these issues related to HW or SW ?
- Is there a way I could have just one On/off switch on my front panel for both the device and the USB hub and USB HDD.
- could we get a short summary in the user's guide of how to use each of the 3 BBB switches

Sorry for the long question, I think it is important for useability.

Jean-Louis P
Posts: 5
Joined: 15 Jul 2014, 10:23

Re: Issues with power management

Postby ACX » 15 Jul 2014, 14:33

Hi Jean-Louis P,
at the current version (0.2-beta) the boot only works in the way , but we are planning to make it easier for the incoming 0.3-beta, also including the possibility to boot directly from eMMC.
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Re: Issues with power management

Postby Jean-Louis P » 15 Jul 2014, 23:20

Thanks Andrea, this is the not so convenient way I am using. Hope the 0.3 is coming soon ? :?:

For SMB Share, is there a special trick to get it working (upper/lower cases, slash or \, any customizing). Is there a way to Check everything is ok ?

Jean-Louis P
Posts: 5
Joined: 15 Jul 2014, 10:23

Re: Issues with power management

Postby ACX » 15 Jul 2014, 23:38

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