Jitter while uploaded to rune library

Raspberry Pi related support

Jitter while uploaded to rune library

Postby james_b » 20 Oct 2015, 22:40

My Pi (Model B) is connected to a USB HD (ext4) and I add tracks to the HD / library via FTP using a USB WiFi device. When uploading there is an unacceptable amount of jitter (or general glitches/ pops / clicks / stuttering etc), is this because the HD and the USB wifi share the same USB bus? (they're connected to separate ports).

Is there a solution for this or is this just the nature of the Pi's USB configuration?

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Joined: 08 Oct 2015, 22:32

Re: Jitter while uploaded to rune library

Postby ACX » 21 Oct 2015, 10:29

Hi james_b, the USB limitations of the Rpi model B are well known and are almost surely the culprit of your problem. There isn't much you can do for it... except of course buying a NAS :D
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