Jukebox function

Suggestions/requests/ideas for RuneAudio core features and functions

Jukebox function

Postby zetapq » 13 Aug 2014, 15:54

Fresh Rune Audio user here.
Set it up on my RPi with a TX100-transmitter from Audio Pro as USB soundcard and it worked like a charm!

To the point: I'm looking for alternatives for Squeezebox and there's especially one feature that is missing, and I don't just mean in Rune Audio. I've looked at a lot of systems (Sonos, BlueSound, Raumfeld to name a few) but NONE of them feature any sort of jukebox. It's starting to get really frustrating. It seems these systems aren't designed for listening to music but rather albums.

I know you are just looking at incorporating proper browsing of tagged files so this would of course have to be in place first and foremost. But after that, do you have any plans on looking at something "jukeboxy"?

For example, the way I use it today on the Squeezebox:
Select random play -> Pick genres -> Play songs randomly.

This coupled with auto play is really nice, rarely need to do anything but turn the system on to get some background music going. Thoughts? Is this perhaps already built into MPD in some way or is it more a matter of the client creating playlists on the fly in the background?
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Re: Jukebox function

Postby ACX » 13 Aug 2014, 16:33

Hi zetapq,
in the latest 0.3-alpha release we introduced an experimental feature called "Global random" which puts MPD in consume mode and adds tracks to the queue picking them randomly through the entire music library. We would like to polish and improve this feature in the future, maybe optionally limiting the pick to a set of variables (genres, tags, etc).
How would your ideal "jukebox mode" be supposed to work?
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Re: Jukebox function

Postby zetapq » 13 Aug 2014, 22:31

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Re: Jukebox function

Postby ACX » 14 Aug 2014, 00:08

I don't see any particular problems in integrating such feature in the UI, but we have to find a way to interact with MPD in a smart way to produce the dynamic playlists by the given filters. That will be the real challenge, and it's part of the backend (and probably demanding).
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Re: Jukebox function

Postby zetapq » 14 Aug 2014, 07:34

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Re: Jukebox function

Postby riquet78 » 10 Jan 2015, 15:50

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Re: Jukebox function

Postby ACX » 10 Jan 2015, 16:41

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Re: Jukebox function

Postby roderick » 10 Jan 2015, 21:09

And also select files on the rating criterium.

I used J River and XBMC to rate my somgs the last couple of years. Those players have the option to create a playlist based on criteria you'd like. For instance: all song with 2 stars or more and play them at random. This is what I use very often.

Fantastic project, RuneAudio. Good luck geeting in more features. Donation on the way.
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Re: Jukebox function

Postby ACX » 11 Jan 2015, 04:20

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Re: Jukebox function

Postby celfred » 09 Oct 2016, 11:07


First, since this is my 1st post, let me congratulate you for the work on RuneAudio. I really like using it.

I'm doing a little 'up' on this topic because this seems like a great feature to me and I wonder which priority it has on an eventual new version.

As I see it, it would be quite simple (in the UI, in the dev work, I don't know :)) : a 'toolbar' on the playback UI, just underneath the actual 'Repeat/Random/Single', exactly the same with 3 icons only with functions such as :
- Use Queue
- Same artist
- Same genre
If buttons 'Same Artist' or 'Same Genre' are 'lighted/selected', then the actual queue is ignored and shuffling takes places according to the selected Artist/Genre function (It would also adapt to the 'Random' button state just above). Only 1 button out of the 3 would be selectable. If 1st button is selected, the actual playlist resumes.

If this sounds 'do-able' and could happen quite soon, I would be delighted ;)

Thanks again.
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