kernel panic at selecting music

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kernel panic at selecting music

Postby dre » 05 May 2016, 17:55


I installed rune audio on my odroid C1+.
It is connected to my DAC (Audiolab 8200CDQ).
After setting up my network (alter /etc/fstab and adding a symbolic link) I tried to play some audio.

If I select an album to play I get the message "kernel panic not syncing fatal exception in interrupt"
CPU1 stopping.
After that it is not "reachable"anymore.

Can you tell me I need to do to fix this issue?
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Re: kernel panic at selecting music

Postby hondagx35 » 05 May 2016, 21:18

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Re: kernel panic at selecting music

Postby dre » 06 May 2016, 07:28

The album I'm trying to play comes from my NAS.
It is not related to the selected music. (album)

The music is loaded from the folder where MPD looks for music.
I added a symbolic link in this folder and altered /etc/fstab so that it looks as if the music that resides on my NAS is located in the MPD-folder
Updating the library went fine.

Furthermore: I enabled logging in MPD, but I do not see an error in the log
Please let me know if you need more information.
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Re: kernel panic at selecting music

Postby hondagx35 » 06 May 2016, 10:11

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Re: kernel panic at selecting music

Postby dre » 06 May 2016, 11:30

I did not get it to connect through the sources so I tried it in a different way. I thought it is transparent to MPD because the OS makes believe it is a local source.

I have not tried a radio station. I'll do that tonight when I'm home.

If it's the USB-driver, does that mean my DAC has a "faulty" driver, or can I install another one from a different resource?
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Re: kernel panic at selecting music

Postby hondagx35 » 06 May 2016, 13:26

Hi dre,

see also .

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Re: kernel panic at selecting music

Postby dre » 06 May 2016, 22:37

It shows simmilar behavior when playing webradio
I read the thread on the raspberrypi forum, but I'm not quite sure how I use the info to fix my problem
Do I also have to install rpi-update?

Please tell me how to proceed from here.

what just occurred to me: do I need to alter a setting to make it asynchronous (for better music quality) and could that fix the problem? If so how do I do that?
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