Keyboard doesn't work enough to do anything useful

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Keyboard doesn't work enough to do anything useful

Postby Darthhall » 17 Sep 2017, 17:18

I bought a raspberry pi 3 about a year ago and installed rune. I've never been able to get it to work with any keyboard I tried. I'm not saying it's a Rune issue, because when I tried another distro I had the same issue. I have tried 3 different keyboard/mice combos but I can only get some of the buttons to highlight. I can't select anything or get into any menus. I'm not sure if the RP3 is bad or if there was some initial setup I missed.

I have the hifiberry digi+ board but have tried it without. No change. My kids have basic RP3s that work with Noobs and the keyboard is fine. I could try one of theirs with Rune but thought I should ask here first before I tried swapping hardware.

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Re: Keyboard doesn't work enough to do anything useful

Postby hondagx35 » 17 Sep 2017, 21:01

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Re: Keyboard doesn't work enough to do anything useful

Postby Darthhall » 17 Sep 2017, 21:23

Sorry, wrong Rune. The RP3 distro is Roon.

Rune is another thing I'm looking at once I get the RP3 keyboard issue figured out. So this is probably more of a generic Raspberry Pi issue. I thought maybe someone here might have heard or seen something related to my keyboard issue.

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Re: Keyboard doesn't work enough to do anything useful

Postby Darthhall » 17 Sep 2017, 21:32

Crap. I mixed it up again.

Rune is the distro.
Roon is that other thing I've been looking at.

So I'm confused. When I power up the Pi, I get the Rune interface but I can't go anywhere or set up anything without the keyboard and mouse. So did I screw up the install? I can't get to any settings, so maybe there's a tutorial somewhere that I missed? I thought I followed the steps when I got this a year ago, but I obviously don't know what the heck I'm doing.
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Re: Keyboard doesn't work enough to do anything useful

Postby hondagx35 » 17 Sep 2017, 22:42

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Re: Keyboard doesn't work enough to do anything useful

Postby Darthhall » 18 Sep 2017, 03:15

I'm using a Mac. I don't have a touchscreen on the RP3.

I did some more research and I think where I went wrong is I didn't wire it to my router for setup and a wireless network hasnt been found. Once I actually get past that part I should be able to follow the rest.

Thank you
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