LAN multipc/multidevice mixer to one speakerset forum thread

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LAN multipc/multidevice mixer to one speakerset forum thread

Postby multipcuser » 29 Jul 2024, 11:08

Hello, my English is bad. So I want all the devices i own to play through my speakers without buying expensive mixer. I figured i will connect my SSL2+ interface to my raspberry pi zero 2w and then all the computers to runeaudio on it. I got to run runeaudio, but idk how to do this. I've been on runeaudio clients page. And I only found music/song player apps that just output through LAN to runeaudio device without possibility to play all the system sounds through it. I think i can't pass game sounds to runeaudio device through lets say GMPC let alone youtube or spotify sounds.

I want just that, all system sounds, from all my computers, my linux computer, my windows computer, my testing computer, my laptop and so on to my speakers.

P.S the link to gmpc on the "Choose Client" page is broken.
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Joined: 29 Jul 2024, 10:49

Re: LAN multipc/multidevice mixer to one speakerset forum th

Postby LeighP » 28 Aug 2024, 20:17

You will be waiting for a long time for any official help from the Rune developer as this forum has been abandoned along with any local development.

But - there is a fork of Rune including Beaglebone Black and Cubie Board 2 along with the flavours of Pi!

Find it here:

Leigh.... - the new place for rAudio.
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