BTW, currently I'm playing with another extension to this (LCD) system. I'm not too happy with the "bastard code" I currently have (mix of Randy's and my own Python stuff), and, besides, I've always been annoyed by the RasPi's lack of "proper" power supply handling (turning on/off).
So, my next idea (we'll see how it goes) is to use an Arduino to act as a "proper" ATX "power control" for Rune on RasPi - meaning you'll be able to shutdown the Rune RasPi server properly using either Web UI, power button, or an IR remote. Arduino will have some kind of relay to turn the power for RasPi on and off, and it will also take over the handling of the character LCD and IR remote signals. This also means that you'll be able not only to turn off RasPi using IR remote, but also to turn it ON via IR remote - just like a TV
(BTW, that means that Arduino part will always be powered on - but it will be in power saving mode, waiting for IR signal to turn ON, which doesn't use much power - certainly not more than a TV in standby...)
The hardware side on the Arduino is more or less done -as a concept - and now I have to do the "hard part" - serial communication between RasPi and Arduino (sending of formatted strings from Rune to Arduino to show on LCD, powerup and shutdown mesages and communication)...
Will take some more time, but so far, on the conceptual level, it looks promising. We'll see how it goes