I'm running the latest release of RuneAudio (v0.3-beta (14/04/2015)) on a new Raspberry Pi 2 - Model B - ARMv7 with 1G RAM. I've copied music files onto a USB thumb drive (both 32GB and 128GB, trying both Fat32 and ext3 file formats). I'm able to mount the USB drive, but the system seems to hang when building the MPD library. On the Playback page of the UI, I get a bunch of spinning "loading" circles. In the Library nothing is displayed. I can search the library and files will then appear, so I know the device is reading the USB drive, but I'm unable to play those files. Alternatively, I mounted a remote Linux file server and tried loading and playing the music files from the remote server--same result. I tried reflashing the SD micro card to see if that fixed anything--same result.
Any thoughts from the collectively? Thanks!