Library Rebuild Progress and Statistics

Suggestions/requests/ideas for RuneAudio core features and functions

Library Rebuild Progress and Statistics

Postby Kassi » 14 Jul 2016, 21:15


Is there any possibility to see the progress of a MPD Library rebuild?
And some statistics about the library would be helpful as well.

My situation:
I got a quite big music library, over 550 GB, over 66000 files.
I started a library rebuild which never seemed to finish via Wifi.
So I connected the pi to the network by wire and started it again.
Now I would like to know what's going on.
I already installed "nethogs" on the pi so I can see that there is some traffic between my pi and my NAS (70kB/s with Wifi, 330kB/s with wire).
But some information about the progress would be more helpful.
Also, after rebuild is done, it would be nice to know how many files are in the library.

So feature request would be:
1. progress information while rebuilding the library
2. library statistics (how many files, last library rebuild date/time, ...)

I would like to know where the library is stored - is the a data base like SQLite or anything?

Best regards,

Raspberry Pi 3b, X400 Amp Expansion, RuneOs: 0.3-beta, RuneUI: 1.3-beta
Posts: 2
Joined: 14 Jul 2016, 19:33

Re: Library Rebuild Progress and Statistics

Postby hondagx35 » 15 Jul 2016, 12:26

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Re: Library Rebuild Progress and Statistics

Postby Kassi » 15 Jul 2016, 12:46

Hi Frank,

thank you for the info.
I will play around with that - maybe I find some way to validate if all files are cought by th rebuild ;-)

Best regards,
Posts: 2
Joined: 14 Jul 2016, 19:33

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