Library search in many tags

Suggestions/requests/ideas for RuneAudio core features and functions

Library search in many tags

Postby damian » 10 Jan 2016, 21:11


I've recently installed 0.3 beta version on a pi 2 and I'm very pleased. Nice job! :) The only inconvenience I'm encountering in RuneUI is that the library search box seems to search file names and album titles only, for the exact phrase, without the ability to perform a combined, AND search of the space separated words. Yesterday for example, when I tried to search for "Bach Chromatic" (without the quotes), I got back results like "Bach Chromatic..." but not the album "Bach, Chromatic...". When I repeat this search using Gnome Music Player Client (as a search query to MPD), I get back both results correctly.

Is it possible to enhance the library search functionality in order to search in any tag and perform combined search also?

Thank you.
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