Library update error

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Library update error

Postby Orac » 14 Aug 2015, 14:54

Hi All,
First post here after I've discovered the wonderful world of Rune Audio!

I've built myself a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B with a HiFiBerry DAC+ and housed in the HiFiBerry metal case. Installation of the Rune Audio software went OK and I got the DAC+ working OK. The problem is with the library.

I have a Qnap NAS to hold my music collection and there are two shares on it called 'mp3' and 'flac'. I added these as network mounts and I get a green tick next to both. Then, from the 'Sources' menu I clicked 'Rebuild MPD Library' and waited whilst it was updating. After it had finished I could see the mp3 share and browse it but no flac folder.

I ssh'd into the Pi and did 'ls /mnt/MPD/NAS/FLAC' and can see all the flac folders, I can also drill down into the individual folders and see the files listed, but as I said, no flac mount shows on the library screen.

Is this a known problem? I should also say that both my mp3 and flac collections are very large with probably 30000 tracks in each.

Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Library update error

Postby hondagx35 » 14 Aug 2015, 16:29

Hi Orac,

one reason could be, that mpd has stopped the indexing of your music files because of an error.
If your MP3 mountpoint is the first one, then:
- check if all your MP3 files are in the library.
- delete your mounts and then add your FLAC first.

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Re: Library update error

Postby Orac » 14 Aug 2015, 16:52

Hi Frank,

Thanks for the speedy reply.

I actually added the mount points one at a time, i.e. I added the mp3 first and ran the library update. When I browsed the library, all the folders/files seem to be there. I then added the second mount point, the flac folder, and then started the library update again. After the updating had finished, the mp3 folder was still visible and browsable but not the flac.

Is there any sort of log file I can turn on to see whats going on?
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Re: Library update error

Postby hondagx35 » 14 Aug 2015, 17:25

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Re: Library update error

Postby Orac » 16 Aug 2015, 21:18

Thanks for the suggestions.

I tried them and I still can't get it to read all my flac files. When I look at the log file it just stops reading at some point and no errors are logged, so no help there.

I thought it may be the number of files, I have just over 29000 mp3's which it can read OK but I have just over 32000 flac's so I moved 3000 flacs out of the path and tried again, but it still won't read all of them. Out of curiosity, is there a maximum number of files that can be added to the database?

My next thought is to put all the flac's on to a USB drive and try that, but I can't get hold of a big enough one for a few days so I'm just listening to the mp3's for now.

If it's significant, the network mounts I am adding are using SMB/CIFS and they are located on a Qnap NAS.
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Re: Library update error

Postby Orac » 18 Aug 2015, 11:11

A bit more information on this problem ... I'm leaning towards thinking it is a file number limitation.

I copied all my files to a desktop 4TB USB hard drive and plugged in. It was recognised straight away and started updating. I checked whilst the update was in progress and could see the folders/files being added. When the update had finished there were no files showing.

I looked in /var/lib/mpd and saw there was a file call mpd.db, which I assume is the database for the files but it was only 203 bytes in size.

Next, I disconnected the 4TB drive and replaced it with a USB stick with only few files on. This time when it had finished updating, the folders/files were visible and the mpd.db file was 11290 bytes in size. This is why I think it may be a file number limitation.

Any thoughts on how to get around this?
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Re: Library update error

Postby hondagx35 » 18 Aug 2015, 14:55

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Re: Library update error

Postby Orac » 20 Aug 2015, 22:11

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Re: Library update error

Postby hondagx35 » 21 Aug 2015, 09:48

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Re: Library update error

Postby Orac » 26 Aug 2015, 09:25

Finally solved the problem! :D

I copied my FLAC library to another share on the NAS and then went through each folder deleting all unnecessary files, like pdf's, text files and such so that only the music files (.flac) and the album art (.jpg) was left. Also, I deleted all the SACD (.dsf) files since I don't plan on playing them via Rune (at least not yet anyway).

Whilst I was cleaning stuff up I noticed that some filenames had odd characters in them, usually things like an accent on the 'a' or 'e' (mainly Celtic groups like Clannad) so I changed these to 'normal' characters. This time I got much further but still it stopped at a certain point. I knew there was some sort of problem with one particular folder (Deja Vu by CSN&Y), so I deleted that and bingo! it worked.

Conclusion after all this:
I'm not sure whether deleting the unnecessary files was needed. I have no idea what was wrong with the Deja Vu folder because it played fine using VLC, although for some reason the track titled 'Deja Vu' would not index properly in another program I use (Media Center), it may have been the only culprit. Maybe MPD struggles with non-standard characters, again I don't know the answer to this. When I've got my stamina back, I may try adding the dsf files.

Now I can get on with listening to the music :lol:

Thanks for your input Frank.
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