Myref is 3886 chip based amplifier, I believe it is latest and most advanced sound quality wise version of this topology. If you use top parts- you get
very rich and detailed sound with so many positive attributes emerging during listening experience.
As I said I m using LDR (light dependant resistor) based attenuator- idea dates back years- and gives least degradation possible in attenuation stage. I m using integrated version designed by german diyer- he has new version with buffer (calvin buffer, named after other designer) integrated for better compatibility with different amplifiers (there are some issues with amps possessing too low input impedance values).
All work done by myself from a to z: you get bill of materials list, but whether you use it or not up to you. You receive only pcb,and in pre instance LDR's themselves - they need to be matched for equal attenuation in both channels. Almost every design has some sort of assembly guide.
All info can be found on diyaudio, but if you need any help I ll be glad to assist.