My setup:
Speakers: B&W 602 S3
Speaker cable: Kimber Kable 8TC
Amplifier: NAD C320BEE
Interconnect cable: VanDenHul D-102 MK III
DAC: Allo Boss Dac, HifiBerry Dac+ Standard, HifiBerry Dac+ Pro, IQaudiO Pi-Dac+. (Boss Dac is best sound quality)
Player (CD): NAD C542
Player: Raspberry Pi 2 / Raspberry Pi 3 / RuneAudio 0.4-beta_20170229. (i prefer RPi 2)
Power supply: iFi iPower Ultra Low Noise
NAS: Apple Time Capsule 2TB
Remote control: MPaD on iPad Air, MPDroid on Dell Venue 8 3840
i connect RPi to Airport Express (AE) with unshielded ethernet cable, AE joint to Time Capsule (TC) on wifi. For me sound cleaner more than RPi connect to TC by cable.