Looking for advice for marine audio player

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Looking for advice for marine audio player

Postby Bruce » 18 Jun 2015, 18:45

I would like to add rune audio to my boat. I would like to install a Rasberry Pi 2 with rune audio, a larger MicroSDHC card to store audio files on and some sort of DAC with RCA output. I already have WiFi onboard and will connect the Rasberry or other computer via ethernet. I will connect to the existing stereos AUX input via stereo RCA connectors.

What DAC would you suggest?

Is Raspberry pi 2 the right computer? Should I go with something else that would not need the DAC?

Can anyone suggest a case that will work with a DAC installed? Waterproof would be great but the unit will be installed the console which is a dry area.

Can I stream audio to multiple DLNA clients? How many would be practical?
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Joined: 18 Jun 2015, 18:36

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