Looking good so far...

Raspberry Pi related support

Looking good so far...

Postby kraigo » 07 Apr 2014, 23:23

Hello! My name is Kraig and I'm new to the forum. I have two Raspberry Pi's with HiFiBerry DACs installed and one without. I downloaded Rune last night as I was going to bed and started playing today after work. It was pretty straightforward. i got the HiFiBerry DACs working with the help of this excellent post: http://devicecontext.blogspot.co.uk/201 ... berry.html and playback is working with hardly any missteps.

Perhaps the reason this went quickly is that I had been trying Volumio and having mixed results. One constant with Volumio, Raspbian and Rune is that I can't seem to connect to my NAS.

The NAS is a SAMBA/CIFS share off of the "fileserver" Pi. There are two shares coming off the Pi, "Stg" and "BkUp". The music is on Stg. I attempt to connect via IP address. // It is password protected. I've tried a large variety of ways to get this and I've never been successful.

In frustration I just copied 4 GB of files over to a flash drive and plugged it in. It works, but it's not awesome.

My next step will be to see if I can get something like Airplay working so I can stream from the fileserver Pi to both of the HiFiBerry Pi's and have the music distributed through the house.

Anyway, I'm stoked that this is working out so well right now. I'm looking forward to playing some more.

Nice to meet you all.
Posts: 10
Joined: 07 Apr 2014, 23:10

Re: Looking good so far...

Postby ACX » 08 Apr 2014, 08:27

Hi kraigo, if my understanding is correct you are using your second Raspberry as fileserver. As you already tried many ways to mount it without success, my first and quick advice is to use NFS protocol instead of Samba when connecting two Unix environments: it also works better in terms of performance.
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