loosing wifi ?? connection to rune

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loosing wifi ?? connection to rune

Postby rasti » 25 May 2015, 18:58


my player has been online today for several hours.

I have one tablet which shows the Rune UI homepage all the time.
Each minute or so I shortly see the connection spinning wheel but connection usually recovers.

But each 1-2 hours or so, it does not connect anymore to the websever.
I also cannot connect from my laptiop at that time.

However the webradio keeps playing and rune is accessible via telnet.
So I guess it is not a wifi problem. ( I already switched my edimax power save function off)
If tyoe reboot by telnet, the box reboots and everything reconnects fine.

Is that a known bug and - is there a fix ?


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Re: loosing wifi ?? connection to rune

Postby rasti » 26 May 2015, 22:31

I changed my IP settings from static to DHCP and assigned a fixed IP by the router instead.
Seems to be better. I could run it a few hours today without loosing connection permanently.

However the spinning arrows "connecting" still appears each 1-2 minutes. I don't know if this is a wifi instability issue or problem of the tablet I am using ??

As said, I disabled power saving mode of my EDIMax Wifi Dongle

I also tried a cronjob
/etc/crontab with the following content */1 * * * * ping -c 1 MY_ROUTER_IP

The problem persists, I still get the spinning arrows from time to time.....
Note that I only get the spinning arrows on my tablet, not on my Laptop.
But a lost connection (if that is the case ?) seems to be recovered now


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http access lost, FTP&telnet working

Postby rasti » 27 May 2015, 06:33

I left the RuneAudio Player switched on playing webradio all night long.
This morning the webradio was still playing
Accessing the UI was not possible neither from my tablet nor my laptop (spinning arrows-connecting show up)
FTP and Telnet access are still possible. Only http access doesn't work.
Any idea how to solve this problem ?

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Re: loosing wifi ?? connection to rune

Postby rasti » 29 May 2015, 18:10

I disabled the spinning arrows in footer.php but the problem that after few hours of
webradio playing without touching RuneUI the connection gets lost.

I now bought a new wifi dongle, however I doubt that this will solve the problem
because the webradio keeps playing connectin by ftp or telnet is still possible.
Only http server is not accessible.

No idea or suggestion what I might try ?


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Re: loosing wifi ?? connection to rune

Postby hondagx35 » 29 May 2015, 20:09

Hi Ralf,

please give us more info.

- platform (RP, RP2, ...)?
- updates installed?
- browser and os?
- wifi power saving disabled?

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Re: loosing wifi ?? connection to rune

Postby rasti » 29 May 2015, 20:43

Hi Frank,

I have a Raspberry Pi B with HifiBerry, and I use the latest version of
Rune (I believe so) which I downloaded maybe some 10 days ago.

Wifi http access is lost with any browser or OS
(I use android 4 with boat browser, but also tried google chrome and the standard android browser, also Windows XP with Rune UI app, with Safari/firefox/chrome....once the
http access is gone none of these is working anymore, just FTP/Telnet)

I tried all of what I wrote in the previous posts (all still implemented) so in a nutshell :
- wifi power saving disabled
- cronjob /etc/crontab with the following content */1 * * * * ping -c 1 MY_ROUTER_IP
- disabled the spinning arrows in footer.php
- bought a new Wifi-EDIMAX-USB-Stick (installed today, hoping that this doesn't "freeze" )

It's weired because the webradio keeps playing and FTP/Telnet is still accessible.
Therefore I think that the power saving function is not the problem....


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Re: loosing wifi ?? connection to rune

Postby hondagx35 » 29 May 2015, 20:47

Hi Ralf,

if you like you can try the .
It uses a different approach for the wifi part.

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Re: loosing wifi ?? connection to rune

Postby rasti » 29 May 2015, 21:04

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Re: loosing wifi ?? connection to rune

Postby rasti » 30 May 2015, 09:08

As assumed, the new wifi dongle also causes the same problem.

I am trying now to call the http Rune UI every minute
with a cronjob on my homeautomation server (Rasbian / FHEM).

*/1 * * * * wget --spider

I will report back if this helps...

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Re: loosing wifi ?? connection to rune

Postby rasti » 30 May 2015, 18:19

it does not help.
Loosing http connection after ~500 minutes of webradio.
Webradio keeps playing, FTP/Telnet works, just http Rune UI is not accessible.
After that I logged on on the other raspi and entered manually the command
wget --spider
(that's exactly what the one minute cronjob did)

Result see file attached :
it is connected to port 80 but then a read error appears

I even tried to reboot my Wifi Access Point only.
Webradio stops playing and reconnects
ftp/telnet works
http does not work.

Anything I can do now ?

I left it now as is, maybe you can tell me what
I can test now if is stuck. I still can telnet/ftp to Rune Server
and the music is still playing....

If I reboot it will be working again of course....

Any idea ?

crron to keep rune UI alive.JPG
crron to keep rune UI alive.JPG (168.45 KiB) Viewed 2102 times
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