Lost Pi on Network

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Re: Lost Pi on Network

Postby foxint » 20 Feb 2018, 09:42


My apologies - I have no idea what you are talking about.

I am sure it is a great suggestion. Thank you.

I cannot get into the pi at all. I do not know the first step of your suggestions.

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Re: Lost Pi on Network

Postby andfor » 20 Feb 2018, 10:18


When you plug in a screen and keyboard into the pi and switch it on you should get a command line interface? Like this:


Default password is 'rune'. From here you can follow the steps I gave you.
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Re: Lost Pi on Network

Postby foxint » 20 Feb 2018, 10:47


Hope this is not too stupid a question/problem. Thank you for the sugestions.

I think the Pi3 is broken.

NO I did not get this. All I got was a frozen RuneAudio with the 2 circles....and the mouse did not work.

I connected the Cat-6 cord to the modem to #2 hole. I can see stuff in #4, in wireless and in #1.

But nothing in #2 hole that the pi is connected into….

I put the other Pi3 into #3 hole and I got a number….192.168.124 – but timed out. Windows says: is online but not responding…. Now it says there is another thing 192.168.125. I tried putty and nothing… I only got black screen I typed in root and rune and nothing. I even tried without any prompt – I think that is the “joy” of Pi’s

I will put the one I want onto #3 – nothing. I am lost??? Looks like Mr Pi does not like windows 10.
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Re: Lost Pi on Network

Postby andfor » 20 Feb 2018, 11:35


Have you got a usb keyboard and a hdmi monitor that you can plug into the Pi?

This is all you need. With the Pi switched off plug the keyboard in a PI usb port and the monitor in the Pi HDMI port. Assuming you've not disabled HDMI output you should get a command line interface when you switch on the Pi?

You don't need to be connected to a network at all so ditch that for now.

Unless anyone else knows different?
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Re: Lost Pi on Network

Postby foxint » 20 Feb 2018, 11:47

Sir – thank you

I have attached the monitor cord and the screen is the Rune Audio with the 2 circles and the photo of what is playing. And the mouse does not work.

I think this is not a "command line interface"

I turned it off and on…..Same

There is no screen as you posted…..I am very confused.

Sorry some thing really bad must have happened…….????
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Re: Lost Pi on Network

Postby rastus » 20 Feb 2018, 12:40

"I have been trying to get stable internet since Friday..."
Why? What is wrong with your connection to the Internet? And what does your connection to the Internet have to do with your Raspberry Pi? If you mean your "IntRAnet", then that is something different.

"....and changed some settings. Then the Pi did not work."
There is your problem, YOU changed settings... when things are working DO NOT change anything, and when things are NOT working, STILL change nothing.... THINK BEFORE you change things. This is not a game, if YOU change settings, YOU will be the problem, not the settings YOU change. You do not seem to LEARN from your mistakes, the same mistakes you have made in the past. I strongly suggest you give up on the Raspberry Pi, PLEASE!

"It is running Rune with the P12 Media 502 DAC"
This has nothing to do with the problem YOU created.

"I think it was the location of something to"
If you changed the IP address of the Raspberry Pi to the same IP address as your router, then I strongly suggest you LEAVE it alone next time you get it working again... you do not know what your doing, and each time YOU make a change you come asking us to help you... and yet it is you that is creating the problems, for yourself. Geeze.

"Is there a way to help?"
Yes there is... here is the help: STOP changing things you do NOT know anything about. Clear? Or, better help, stop asking for help for problems you create.... fix them yourself, then maybe you will learn not to change settings UNLESS you have spent TWO months reading about what your about to change. Then maybe you won't change the settings any more.

"Is there a re-set button?"
Oh yes there is, and pressing that will create EVEN more problems for you.... so DO NOT reset anything, ever.

"Yes, I am not really good at this."
You think?

"So, any help would be great."
Any help is not going to help you, because you are "...not really good at this."

"I went into rune and changed something about the location of something…Since I cannot get into it I cannot remember."
Yes, you changed something... that is THE problem.... you.

Here is a hint:
But, if I spend hours explaining to you how to fix it, you will only be back in a few more months with another problem, that you have created yourself... so I see no point in helping you with this problem, and the next, and the next. You do not learn from your mistakes, you need to learn how to learn from your mistakes before I will help you. First lesson: LEAVE things alone. Stop creating problems that you cannot fix yourself. I cost $68 AU an hour, do you want my help? I will come to your home and fix YOUR Raspberry Pi problems... I already gave you my phone number, and we have already talked on the phone once. Do you want my contact details again? I would be happy to 'help'.... but not for free this time.

foxint > READ....

andfor » Yesterday, 09:39
"If you don't know what you did then nobody else can!"

hondagx35 » Today, 00:14
"After login (User=root PWD=rune) you can find the IP with the command "ifconfig"."

foxint » Today, 00:28
"I will try - can you tell me the username and password?" <----- Look above, hondagx35 told you already.... "After login (User=root PWD=rune)"

foxint » Today, 00:36
"I connected a screen/keyboard/mouse and I got the rune screen, but the mouse would not work???"

Exactly my point...

PS: hondagx35 > Delete this post if you think it's inappropriate.... but I just think someone's got to tell foxint to stop doing whatever it is he is doing. Sheesh! He was funny two years ago, but not any more...
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Re: Lost Pi on Network

Postby rastus » 20 Feb 2018, 12:46

"I think the Pi3 is broken."

"I think that is the “joy” of Pi’s"

"I am lost???"

"Looks like Mr Pi does not like windows 10."

"There is no screen as you posted…..I am very confused."
YES, you are confused.... and so are we!

"Sorry some thing really bad must have happened…….????"
YES, you.

Do you want my phone number?
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Re: Lost Pi on Network

Postby andfor » 20 Feb 2018, 12:51

Ok now.... :shock:

Feel better?

Obviously you have some history with this and, to be fair, it is pretty frustrating, but I've been in the same position myself many times. Completely inexperienced and not knowing what to do. Really I'm still in that position. Complete amateur.

I have some sympathy with both of you, but there's no need to resort to character assassination. It's very uncivilised.
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Re: Lost Pi on Network

Postby rastus » 20 Feb 2018, 12:58

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Re: Lost Pi on Network

Postby andfor » 20 Feb 2018, 13:04

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