Lost Pi on Network

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Re: Lost Pi on Network

Postby andfor » 24 Feb 2018, 09:56


I just took a backup myself to check that it wasn't me going mad and it worked flawlessly. Here it is again with pictures:

1) Insert SD card and check the drive letter it has been assigned.

2) Select that drive letter from the 'Devices' drop down menu.
Screenshot (1).jpg
Screenshot (1).jpg (62.41 KiB) Viewed 931 times

3) Click on the little blue folder.
Screenshot (2).jpg
Screenshot (2).jpg (16.38 KiB) Viewed 931 times

4) If it's easier you can use the 'Downloads' folder for now and then move the file elsewhere later on. Enter a filename in the box indicated by the arrow. Click the 'Open' button.
Screenshot (3).jpg
Screenshot (3).jpg (76.83 KiB) Viewed 931 times

Something I forgot to mention last time is that the file name must be followed by '.img'. For example, my filename is: RuneMod24-02-2018.img. If you like you can just copy that filename into the box.

Screenshot (4).jpg
Screenshot (4).jpg (30.08 KiB) Viewed 931 times

6) It is best to eject the SD card before taking it out to put back in the Pi. There is a little device symbol in the taskbar. Right click and select 'Eject SD'
Screenshot (5).jpg
Screenshot (5).jpg (9.41 KiB) Viewed 931 times

Hopefully that's clearer. It works for me so no reason you can't do it.
Last edited by andfor on 24 Feb 2018, 15:30, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lost Pi on Network

Postby foxint » 24 Feb 2018, 11:12

Hi Andfor

Thank you.

Unfortunately, the photos did not make it onto the website – all I see is a do not enter road sign. A circle with a horizontal line.

I have even got a mouse, as the small square that operates the mouse sucks…I am not a fan of lap tops.

Here we go…
1. Yes
2. Only D nothing else to select – I am guessing this is Win32 Disk Imager
3. Clicked on the blue folder.
4. It defaults to the Download folder, but I can more it…. BUT…this is the BIG BUT…. the only function on the whole window is “open”. It seems to want me to put in a file name to open????
5. The window is open, and I am leaving it….and moving to Wind32 Disk Imager…It will not allow me to any anything…. So, I cannot compete 5.

Thank you.

But again, I will have to admit FAILURE.

I am trying this….

3. OK. Click on Blue folder and go to D…. BUT there are 2 things: a) folder called Overlays and b) a file called kernel7

I am confused???

Do I want to get both onto my Hard Drive and if it is supposed to be one operation, then it will not let me click on both? I click on one…. but it does not allow me to go back to Wind 32….

Confused and another failure.

Thanks again. I know it “should” not be this hard…but it is???? But you all know I suck at lunix
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Re: Lost Pi on Network

Postby andfor » 24 Feb 2018, 11:57

I am slapping my forehead in amazement. :D

Not sure why you can't see the photos. I can see them when I view the post.

2. You need to be 100% sure that D: is your SD card. If it contains the files 'Overlays' and 'Kernel7' then it probably is. But I would check in 'My Computer' anyway.

4. This where you are getting stuck I think. The 'Open' button is perhaps confusing things because you're not really opening anything. Just specifying a filename and location. Here's what to do again (again). Follow this exactly:

- Click little blue folder.
- Specify a location on your PC (if you want, but 'Downloads' is fine for now).
- Type a filename in the box next to the 'Open' button. Or just copy paste this: RuneMod24-02-18.img
- Click 'Open'

The filename and destination you just entered will now appear in Win32DiskImager.

As long as you know that you've got the correct drive letter in 'Devices' and you are happy with the destination and filename of the file, click 'Read'.

That's it. It will take a few minutes, depending on the size of the SD card and how fast your PC is.

And, by the way, you're not using Linux to do this. You're using Windows.
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Re: Lost Pi on Network

Postby R101 » 24 Feb 2018, 12:31


Is it possible that foxint cannot view the images because his browser application cannot handle png format? It might be worth replacing them with jpeg versions to see if it solves that problem, at least.
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Re: Lost Pi on Network

Postby andfor » 24 Feb 2018, 13:04

Hi R101,

They are jpg files. So don't know what's wrong there. I think foxint is cursed. :twisted:
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Re: Lost Pi on Network

Postby R101 » 24 Feb 2018, 13:56

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Re: Lost Pi on Network

Postby andfor » 24 Feb 2018, 15:19

I think I know the problem. I used a link to my Google photos. This won't be a public repository will it? That's why I can see them, but you can't. I 'm logged into my Google account.

I'll fix it now.

***EDIT: Done. I think. Are they now visible?
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Re: Lost Pi on Network

Postby R101 » 24 Feb 2018, 20:03

Yup, all visible now.
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Re: Lost Pi on Network

Postby foxint » 24 Feb 2018, 21:26


Thank you. I know you have put in a lot of work. It is much appreciated.

This is the first time I have backed-up (or whatever I am doing). The photos are there – thank you. I was confused, but I put in a file name – I was not aware I needed to do this…. Seems like the little green bar is moving to the right. So, I guess it is good…. ha-ha we will see next time….

The pictures were great. I find that most instructions, leave out the bits (pictures mainly) that the “experts” think we (idiots) should know. I do struggle.

Thank you for your time and patience.

I enjoy the music and love the “idea” of the tech. But that means I am rubbish at the tech.

I will listen to the radio….to be totally honest, that is all I have been able to do. Setting up the network remains a mystery. I will not jinx it. But perhaps if I get brave.

Just switched it on……had to re-boot everything…it works….

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Re: Lost Pi on Network

Postby andfor » 24 Feb 2018, 23:29

Hello again.

Sounds to me like you managed to do it. Just make sure you keep that file somewhere you know where to find it. And make sure it has a .img file extension.

Happy to help. To be honest I'm not all that much more proficient at all this than you are. At least not compared to some on this forum. I just jumped in and read what I could, tried things out and wherever I got stuck searched the forums and tutorials to try and understand why.

And believe me I have made countless 'stupid' mistakes and bricked my installation and had to reflash my SD card more times than I can remember. It was very frustrating and difficult. The key is not to give up.

But that is how you learn. Therefore I encourage you to keep trying. Even the most gifted people in any discipline had to start somewhere. And every single one of them has had to fall on their arse hundreds of times before getting anywhere.

Network storage has been done before many times by many people. All the resources are available out there for you to read and follow. I don't have network storage, but if I can help you I will try. Honestly I enjoy it. And I'm learning stuff too by helping out.

"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better." - Samuel Beckett.
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