MAc and iPhone client

Raspberry Pi related support

MAc and iPhone client

Postby sarucyel » 25 Apr 2016, 02:14

#Update: just added the httpd output which probably addresses my issue

Now player syncing is the next milestone but i'll follow existing threads

This is a brilliant software stack (MPD, Rune, the HIfiberry driver, RPi itself of source).



I got myself a rpi 3 with hifiberry, the first install of Rune worked incredibly smoothly (incl wifi), i couldn't be more happy, but i am now looking to move away from the Squeeze* world and have been missing a couple of features with Rune, one being the existence of a "virtual" player for Mac and iPhone.

In the Squeezebox world we had softsqueeze for PC/Macs and Squeezecast for iphone (still functional on my device though it does not appear on the app store anymore).

Doing a little bit of research i came across articles referring to "AirFoil" and some more shady apps that aledgedly allow the iPhone to act as an AirPlay speaker, neither of which seem to be cutting it.

Am i missing something? is there a technical difficulty in achieving what i'm after? There are times (esp. late in the night) where an iphone is all i have to listen to music.

The other "gap" is around multiroom but i prefer to address items one by one.

Thanks Sarucyel
Posts: 6
Joined: 25 Apr 2016, 02:01

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