Mamboberry HiFi DAC+ (192kHz/24bit)

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Mamboberry HiFi DAC+ (192kHz/24bit)

Postby rastus » 23 May 2016, 11:31

Does anyone have this DAC? One questions... HOW DOES IT SOUND??? What setup you running with it? Amp? Speakers? What else?

Mamboberry HiFi DAC+ (192kHz/24bit) ... khz-24bit/

REVIEW: Mamboberry DAC for Raspberry Pi
"Review: a HAT board for Raspberry Pi containing not only a DAC but also a linear power supply."
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Re: Mamboberry HiFi DAC+ (192kHz/24bit)

Postby Lazerharp » 23 May 2016, 18:43

I have it and love it. I really like their power solution. So even if it's more expensive than IQaudIO and HIFIBerry it's still cheaper if you want to add a good power solutions.

The equipment I running it on is one 2 Channel system with Naim NAC 202 preamp and Naim NAP 200 power amp with Teddy Pardo Teddycap powersupply. I have also used it for my headphone rig with Violectric 200 amp and MrSpeakers Alpha Prime. So the price of the Mamboberry is crazy compared with the price of the rest. I have more expensive USB DACs but I must say that this one is really good especially considering the price.

I'm also using as a ROON endpoint. So I can group several Zoones with Raspberrys together.

Highly recommended! I also have their Media player case and it´s really nice and looks great in reality.
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