Manual edit of mpd.conf

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Manual edit of mpd.conf

Postby Harry_P » 05 Mar 2016, 14:27

First thx for the superb work on the RuneUI - I really enjoy using it after extensive search for the right mpd client !

For several reasons I want to manually modify the mpd.conf - no problem.

After reboot all modifications are gone => not good.

While I understand that there are reasons why rune makes the mpd configuration at boot time, I need a workaround to use rune with my specific setup.
I found only one (and probably a half) solutions :

Working solution :
Change attribute of mpd.conf after modification (chattr +i mpd.conf).
While it works I do not like this solution as it disables some of rune´s intended functions.

Possible solution :
- reading this post I assume you may set the config files via redis-cli ?
Did not yet dig deeper into this, since, from reading related posts, I assume there will be a solution to manual editing mpd.conf in the next release of rune ?
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Joined: 04 Mar 2016, 11:18

Re: Manual edit of mpd.conf

Postby PeteB » 05 Mar 2016, 19:06

Redis is a kind of database manager. Normally it holds its database in memory, and the files are just used for persistence. That is why editing the file directly may not be what you want.

Hset is a command that writes a key to the database. You can look up tutorials for Redis and related commands online (that is what I did when I noticed references to Redis in the forum). There are some good ones out there.

The hset command has been used here when posting patches to address specific problems.

Not sure that using this is what you want, and may not be a good idea unless the designers of the database tell you what is safe to change, and what will break the software. Even then, you could waste a lot of your time this way... I mean, a LOT!

For example, if you change a key in the database used to control some hardware function, it may or may not work as you expect, if the hardware does not recognize the changed control parameter... so now you have to read the hardware data sheets and app notes... and what that chip is connected to on the circuit board... you can probably see where this is going... :D
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Joined: 06 Feb 2016, 05:07

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