Massive Thank You!

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Massive Thank You!

Postby floyd » 09 Jul 2016, 01:13

You guys are bloody brilliant.

RuneAudio is amazing - I cant believe its free! Ive made just made a donation as thanks.

Ive been using it for the last 18 months and find it to be the best way to manage my music and listen to it in the most convenient yet high quality way! Just love it...

I use Rune on a CubieTruck board with a 500gb HDD permanently mounted to it via the Cubie's onboard SATA, and utilising the stock CubieTruck clear plastic 'case' [the entire 'box' is only about the size of 2 cigarette packs]...This is then connected to my Sony DB940 amp via optical connection so the signal remains digital all the way until the amp's DAC (so there is only 1 DAC conversion).

I use 90% flac files, and of that around 40% are very high quality vinyl rips. They sound lovely.

I use FileZilla to upload and manage the files on the HDD.

I also use it to listen to Internet Radio stations - which I find great to get some high quality curated content and new sounds.

Anyways - Just another big ThankYou!

The software and the support are superb. Looking forward to future incarnations ;)
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Joined: 31 May 2015, 06:54

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