May possible install as music player in vehicle

Raspberry Pi related support

May possible install as music player in vehicle

Postby benkit » 29 Jun 2015, 12:17

I'm newly member here. I tried to play around with Runeaudio onto Raspberry PI 2 in couple days and very happy with sound quality when I used with IQaudio DAC+.
May possible to be installed PI2 device and Runeaudion into my car work like Hi-res music player connect to my existing amplifier.I already had amplifier already installed as well. I also have 5" LCD with touch screen now.
Here is listing of components I had;
1) Raspberry PI 2
2) Adafruit 5" LCD touch screen with HDMI connection
3) IQaudio DAC+
4) Runeaudio

This means that to be using Raspberry PI2 run as both server and client on the same device. Control song play with touch screen that direct connect to it. Is this possible? Please advise.

Thank you
Posts: 3
Joined: 29 Jun 2015, 11:57

Re: May possible install as music player in vehicle

Postby TJH » 29 Jun 2015, 22:45

Hi Benkit

Have a look elsewhere in the forums for interest other people have shown in using the Pi in car without a screen using a phone to control it via WiFi.

For this approach the Pi (and therefore RuneAudio) has to host a local WiFi network in addition to playing from an attached hard drive, SSD or USB stick. Playing from an attached drive is RuneAudio's core business and 0.3 Beta does this well.

Adding the ability to host a local WiFI network is where I'm stuck. :(

I REALLY hope that 0.4 beta includes this. (It's rude to ask when 0.4 might appear!)
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Joined: 13 Apr 2015, 14:04

Re: May possible install as music player in vehicle

Postby benkit » 10 Jul 2015, 12:01

Thank you for your replied.
I understood that Runeaudio would like to maintain sound quality that is core functionality and its originated project.
If I install two Pi2 devices into CAR for this project. One is running Runeaudio an other one is a client with touch screen attach
for access to Pi2.This client device will install a browser onto it and automatic starting to access to Runeaudio server at full screen
mode. I will use a network cable with cross connection connect to two PI2 devices over LAN port . This means that no need WIFI or network hub install. What do think it possible? and what recommendation for browser to be using.
Eventually should be
1) Raspberry PI2 + IQaudio DAC+ ----- Runeaudio running
2) Raspbery PI2 + 5" Touch screen ---- Browser client

Network connection is LAN port with cross cable. Please advise.

Thank you very much
Posts: 3
Joined: 29 Jun 2015, 11:57

Re: May possible install as music player in vehicle

Postby J@r0d » 11 Jul 2015, 15:00

Posts: 35
Joined: 03 Oct 2014, 03:52

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