Minimalistic approach for SQ benefits?

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Minimalistic approach for SQ benefits?

Postby Discovery » 12 Sep 2015, 19:52

This one's for HondaGX35 or ACX, probably.

The Rune system allows music input from Ethernet (my preference), wifi or USB. As I only need one of these, are there any potential sound quality benefits to be gained by disabling the other two? I particularly want to stop any un-required processes in the system so that Linux is only doing what is absolutely necessary and no more. If so, could you advise how I could do this so I can experiment?

While I'm about it, it would be good to ensure that the HDMI port is totally disabled as unused, and I would even be happy to disable the USB ports because I'm using SPDIF output from a Digi+ board.

It occurs to me internal wifi processes might be disabled by physically removing the wifi dongle - if so, please advise.

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Re: Minimalistic approach for SQ benefits?

Postby hondagx35 » 12 Sep 2015, 21:29

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Re: Minimalistic approach for SQ benefits?

Postby Aquarius » 12 Sep 2015, 23:37

You can't disable USB and have ethernet working at the same time. The Pi is designed this way. Basically, the ehternet port is like an ethernet USB dongle. It connects to the USB bus on the Pi and shares the same ressources as the USB ports. That's the major roadblock as far as fast interfaces are concerned. All USB + Ethernet share 480Mb/s of bandwtidth.
-- Aquarius
Hifi Gear: RuneAudio/Volumio on Raspberry Pi B + Hifibery Digi, Atoll ST200 (network streamer, DAC, pre-amp), Emotiva XPA-2, Bowers & Wilkins 683
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Re: Minimalistic approach for SQ benefits?

Postby Discovery » 19 Sep 2015, 09:44

Thanks Frank and Aquarius. Changes implemented; back to listening.
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