by Dohmar » 21 Apr 2016, 06:29
Yeah spot on. It has an input that provides 5v/3amp to the Pi, and uses (x) amount to feed the onboard mosfet (I dont know how much).
The dac has a 2.54pitch header that puts out 5v, though I dont know if it has its own converter or if its drawn from the 5v rail that feeds the pi and the amplifier). It also puts out whatever it is being fed - in my case I'm feeding it 12v/5amp, total of 60 watts. I'm guessing that if the amplifier is 2x 20 watts (40 watts/5v = 8amp+the 3amp the pi is fed for 11amp @ 5v = 44 watts, which if we assumed 48 watts, that'd leave 12 watts/12v@1amp leftover for me to tap with the 12v to 5v converter) to power the hdd, optical drive, touchscreen, dab tuner and usb ADC.
The circuit you've designed could still tap 3.3v/5v via the duplicated GPIO's on the HAT. Effectively I'd just want a single button which;
a) when pressed while pi is on, executes the halt script and then cuts the 12v feed to the HAT.
b) when pressed while pi is off, simply provides the 12v to the hat until pressed again.
B) is simple enough, and I've read this forum but confess I haven't followed it all - under condition a) how would the button/circuit know when to turn off - would the pi indicate when the system is ready for physical power out, or would you just add a timer that would give it 5-10 seconds to shutdown and then cut the power?
Sorry but EE is really not my strong part