...and it just seems ridiculous.
Can't we get a simple momentary contact switch, attached to some random pair of GPIO pins working to do a simple, local, soft shutdown? Or say, Mute, if Shutdown is too much trouble...
It seems there are scripts, and software, already published here to do this. perhaps not installed by default, but it can't be difficult, and switches like this are only around $1 in any local store.
I looked at the Mausberry script and directions (before I broke mine), but this would be even simpler.
One momentary pushbutton, one pair of GPIO pins (one pin, really, I think you only need to pull an input down to GND), and a script to activate the shutdown already in place?
I would be willing to work on that if someone gives me a place to start, but I do NOT want to just hack Rune Audio code and wait for it to conflict with something else being done.
(been there, done that, the T-shirt was not worth the effort)...

Renamed thread to be more descriptive.