More info on now playing

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More info on now playing

Postby rafverhoogen » 04 Apr 2016, 07:56

I've started using a Pi3 (with display) with RuneAudio on it, connected to my Devialet 400 (by USB). This works great and the sound quality is amazingly good. So i do want to continue experimenting this road. However :
My previous setup was jriver on an old mini mac, where that was connected the same way to the Devialet, but i reworked the Gizmo (web interface) on Jriver to get more of the meta data (tags) on the now playing screen, using Javascripting. These tags were mostly concerning classical music, 'conductor, composer, orchestra, etc.
Is there a way to adapt the ui of RuneAudio to have more information in the nowplaying screen ?

Posts: 2
Joined: 04 Apr 2016, 07:51

Re: More info on now playing

Postby rafverhoogen » 16 Apr 2016, 06:33

I thought this was Open Source and many people were doing all kinds of stuff with it, nobody has changed the layout so far. What i want to do is quite simple,
1. remove the volume know in the 3rd column (hardware)
2. move the tag info from above the cover to the 3rd column that is empty
3. complete the tag info with some add tags, like Composer/Conductor/Orchestra (standard ID3 stuff)

I looked at the js and understand it quite well (well structured) but in the json part i only see 3 tags, is this because mpd can not use more tags or is that because the json is constructed like this ?

I'm always using Rune as DLNA renderer, so nothing on the pi or in the librarry

Posts: 2
Joined: 04 Apr 2016, 07:51

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