Most accurate CD rip on Mac?

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Most accurate CD rip on Mac?

Postby BayleeWylie » 14 Jan 2016, 19:30

Hi guys! First post here so I will first start by thanking the devs for this great project! I tried Rune, Volumio and Moode but came back to Rune as it seems to me that is a more "polished" product.

I'm kinda knew to this audiophile world so I wanted to ask you what are the best audio rip software available for Mac (free if possible). I've read about XLD and Rip, but they seem a bit old so I don't know if there's anything newer or better out there that I didn't hear of.

Also, if you could share your favorite ripping settings that work best with the Pi2 and Rune that would be great :D


(My setup is: Rune running on RPi2 with HifimeDIY U2 USB DAC and Sennheiser HD 598SE, in case it matters)
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Re: Most accurate CD rip on Mac?

Postby diamond_dave » 17 Jan 2016, 09:38


I use Phile Audio:
You can convert Music at the same time to different formats. Very useful options there.

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Re: Most accurate CD rip on Mac?

Postby mashman » 19 Jan 2016, 01:58

I've not been able to find anything good on mac. I think 'most' mac users are 'happy' with iTunes. It's a shame really.

Check out this post.

If you're feeling technical, it's the best option IMO.
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Re: Most accurate CD rip on Mac?

Postby BayleeWylie » 24 Jan 2016, 20:07

Thanks for you replies guys! I actually tried XLD before reading your messages and it works great I think it has everything I need honestly. It compares the results of the rip with a database of other rips and tells you how accurate your rip is, so that's great! And the fetching of metadata is accurate and it's easy to just find a link when the program doesn't find it itself. So I'll probably stick with this one but I'll look at your suggestions too.

Actually I merely remember, but I used abcde back when I had a Arch box actually. I would have to dig through the man page to remember how to use it though :D
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