I have Rune Audio running on a Raspberry Pi 3 inside an enclosure. I have 2 SD card readers attached via USB to the Pi3. Each SD card reader has 2 SD cards, making a total of 4 SD cards. The 4 SD cards are listed in the library as 4 USB mounts.
I was wondering what is the best way for Rune Audio to mount these cards so that it boots as quickly as possible and will maintain the library structure (e.g., I don't want the device names to change or the library to rebuild on each boot).
a) Should I basically do nothing and let Rune Audio handle mounting the USB drives or
b) Should I edit fstab to identify the SD cards by UUID or Volume Name and mount them in a folder under /mnt/MPD/USB or
c) Should I edit fstab to identify the SD cards by UUID or Volume Name and mount them in a folder under /mnt/MPD/LocalStorage or
d) Do something else.