MPD Library listings?

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MPD Library listings?

Postby MuseChaser » 16 Dec 2016, 05:45

Pardon this admittedly probably stupid question, but I can't figure it out.

I've got a USB thumbdrive succesfully mounted and can access all of the various albums I've transfered as FLAC files and play them back; sounds great. I've also figured out how to add and play a bunch of internet radio stations... I absolutely love my RuneAudio/Pi/HifiberryDac+ box.

However, I can't figure out how to use the "Browse MPD Database by <genre><artist> or <albums>" buttons. They all show empty fields when I click on them. I've checked everything I can find in the settings menu (USB automount is checked), I've clicked the "Rebuild MPD LIbrary" under the "Local Sources" menu, and "Library Auto rebuild" is also turned on. THe only way I can play back the files is via the "USB Storage" button in my library, then navigating to the specific folder I want.

What am I missing?

Thanks so much.. a GREAT product, even for this admittedly neophyte Linux idiot.
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Re: MPD Library listings?

Postby hondagx35 » 16 Dec 2016, 11:04

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Re: MPD Library listings?

Postby MuseChaser » 16 Dec 2016, 14:44

Thanks so much for the fast response, Frank. I use JRiver 21 to do my FLAC ripping and tagging, and I've attached a screenshot of the tags listed w/in that program for one of the files just as an example. I checked and the artist, album, and genre tags are listed for all of the files that I've copied onto a thumbdrive and am using w/ Rune. Do you still think it's a tagging issue? Does the directory structure on the thumbdrive matter? I've got it setup collection/artist/album/file.flac, i.e., drive letter:/Christmas Flac/Boston Camerata, Joel Cohen/A Renaissance Christmas/Gaudete, Gaudete - Anonymous.FLAC for the file listed in the tag snip pic.
TagSnip.JPG (30 KiB) Viewed 2008 times

On a probably related topic, when I choose a specific album folder to add to my cue, the tracks play back in alphabetical order rather than in the original playback order of the ripped CD. Again, I've verified that the track # is included in the tags. How can I get Rune to playback the albums in original track order?

Thanks again for your help.
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Re: MPD Library listings?

Postby hondagx35 » 16 Dec 2016, 16:46

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Re: MPD Library listings?

Postby MuseChaser » 16 Dec 2016, 16:55

Thanks again, Frank. I followed your suggestion, but no joy. I didn't see any attempted rebuild of the library when I reinserted the drive. I tried clicking the "Rebuild MPD Library" button on the Sources page again; as I was before, I get the spinning arrows for maybe one second, then it finishes but w/out any visible results. I saw this sentence below the "autoupdate" option slider... "This setting enables automatic update of MPD's database when files in music_directory are changed." Do I have to specify a directory somewhere? Does the daemon user:group setting have anything to do with it? (I've tried both options.. root;root and mpd:audio)

It'd be great to get this to work. On my Win7 machine, JRiver displays all of the album artwork, plays back albums in track order, and organizes by artist, genre, album title... all the stuff I know Rune can do, too. I'd LOVE to get those functions working. Even so, I love the convenience and sound quality and am not complaining. Any other ideas?

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Re: MPD Library listings?

Postby hondagx35 » 16 Dec 2016, 18:04

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Re: MPD Library listings?

Postby MuseChaser » 16 Dec 2016, 20:26

Thanks, Frank. I tried your suggestions, and here's the returns I got:

RuneSnip.JPG (29.22 KiB) Viewed 1964 times

The first command, mpc find genre Christmas, didn't seem to do anything. The mpc update USB command returned a few pieces of information, but didn't make any difference in terms of the library listings. Here's a paste of my system status, in case that's helpful..

Active kernel

Linux version 4.1.20-1-ARCH (builduser@leming) (gcc version 5.3.0 (GCC) ) #1 SMP Sat Mar 19 20:07:23 MDT 2016
System time

Fri Dec 16 14:21:44 EST 2016
refresh page to update
System uptime

refresh page to update
HW platform

RaspberryPi2 (08)

I have a Pi3, so I'm not sure why it say Pi2 in the line above.. ?

Also, here's a paste from the credit page w/ my Rune version and build...

release version: 0.4 (build: beta-20160313)

Is any of that helpful?

Thanks again for your efforts.. any further thoughts?


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Re: MPD Library listings?

Postby hondagx35 » 17 Dec 2016, 00:05

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Re: MPD Library listings?

Postby MuseChaser » 17 Dec 2016, 16:10


I truly appreciate how amazingly responsive you are to all of us users... thanks so much.

OK, an update.. the drive that wasn't indexing was FAT32. I tried mounting a much larger 128gb ntfs thumbdrive (that I was using in my second RunePi in another stereo) on the Pi we've discussing. It mounted and index w/out any issues, and there's a mix of .mp3 and flac flies on it. I figured, "Ah HA!," and reformatted the other drive to NTFS, then dragged the files (my newly ripped Christmas CD flacs) back onto it. Mounted it. Nothing.. same problem. Sigh. Then, back on my laptop, I dragged a couple of the albums that were indexing fine on the other drive over onto the drive w/ my Christmas files that won't index, then remounted it on the PI. The files that succesfully indexed on the other drive DID index on this one, too, no problem.

OK... then I tried the reverse, moving one of the Christmas albums that wouldn't index on the new drive to the old larger drive, then remounting in the PI. That album was playable via the "USB Drive," but didn't index.

SOooo.. You're right, of course. The problem must be in the files or tags themselves. I don't get it, though; I've ripped every CD I have using the same software, JRiver MC21. I used to rip to 320kb .mp3, but have been using FLAC for the past year and moving everythign over to flac files. The only ones that don't work are the 15 or so Christmas CDs I ripped a few days ago, although they play back fine both on the Pi and on my laptop, and the tags LOOK OK when viewed w/ JRiver, as you saw.

I'll have to compare some files side by side and see if I can find any differences. Do you, or anyone else, have any idea what I should look for?

Again, major thank yous to you.


EDIT - additional info in case this help anyone else. I found the issue; the albums of flac files that won't index all have an almost empty vorbis comment block; it contains "vendor = S" and that's it. All of my flacs that do index have a lot of information and tags stored in the comment block. SOoo... now I just have to figure out why my ripping software has stopped creating those comment blocks correctly, and/or how to add the info myself. Anyone? Mr. Bueller?
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Re: MPD Library listings?

Postby MuseChaser » 18 Dec 2016, 06:58

For any poor souls who've actually followed this thread...

The problem was indeed caused by the lack of information in the vorbis comment block. The issue was solved by going back into the program I used to do the ripping (JRiver MC21), selecting each album, and using the "update tags from library" function buried in the library tools menu. When I did that, the tags that existed migrated into the vorbis comment block. I then transfered all of the files back to the thumbdrive, mounted it in the Pi, and bingo.. they're all MPD-sorted by genre, artist, or album... and the cover art displays, too!


Thanks for your patience.. sorry for burdening you with this, Frank, especially since it really wasn't a Rune issue really.

Best wishes,

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