Hi All,
Sorry for posting a similar question. I did see a post for this but cant find it now.
What I would like to do is to have MPD Down/Up sample to say 16/48 or 24/96 all songs.
I have read it is possible with MPD, but to get that config to stick (since RuneAudio controls out the mpd.conf file) I did read in the other post (which I cant find) you can set the values in a redis-cli statement for the Raspberry Pi with HiFiBerry hats which will be written into the mpd.conf by RuneAudio. I am interested in the HiFiBerry Digi+ as that one POPS. I also have the HiFiBerry DAC+ and there are no POPS at all.
With a large amount of testing, I have kind of narrowed it down to possibly the sample rate/bit depth changes between songs, and more so if one song is not completely silent on the track change. I have read quiet a lot pointing to MPD being the cause and since RuneAudio is behind with having the latest MPD version, I am clutching at straws to try and fix the annoying POP. Not saying the latest version of MPD will fix it, but if someone can list how to update MPD to the latest, it would be appreciated. I have tried the RuneAudio nightly updates, but it states I am up-to-date.
The POPS aren't present on all tracks with different Sample Rate/Bit Depth though. The tracks that cause the POP, I have tried various ideas such as rsize/wsize settings, but although both RuneAduio settings and people that have mentioned these parameters, don't actually say what values to test with, other ideas with the Alsa mixer, but when using a Digi+, the Alsa mixer looks like it doesn't even come into play and passes the audio untouched. I even tried to silence 5 seconds off the end of one of the tracks and still got the POP. This particular track is a Flac encoded using EAC from CD and has a Sample Rate of 44.1Khz and a bit depth of 16bit. I did try to software resample this, but still got the POP on change of track to a song with identical Sampling Rate/Bit depth. So, it seems possible part of the problem is to do if the end of the track not being silent.
My logic test thinking here is that if the songs were all sampled the same via MPD then there hopefully shouldn't be any POPs.
Does all this sound feasible? Am I just wasting my time? I don't want to re-sample all the audio files. I would like to keep then original as they are played on other equipment as well. I know it is not the equipment past the Raspberry Pi 3/HiFiBerry Digi+/Runeaudio combination as I have tried other equipment outputting the songs (without conversion) and that works. No POPS between tracks. I have tried other software versions (like Volumio, Moodeaudio) and they have the same issue, which is not surprising as they are all based around the same fork of software.
Any help/idea greatly appreciated.