I have seen we have this thread post11509.html?hilit=openelec%20rune#p11509 for the way to create a boot for Rune and OpenElec. But it is quite complicated for a newbie like me.
I searched Google that I found another option that this looks more simply. This way we will install BootBerry it is the tool for us to embed any like Rasbian, Debian, OpenELEC, Rune, .... any you want that when running BootBerry will appear a boot menu dropped down with all you install (Rasbian, Debian, OpenELEC, Rune, ...) so this way seem more interesting and general way for all of us to GO.
The thing is that when embedding the Rune into BerryBoot we need the Rune installing file under of format called SquashFS that I do not be aware much since I am not the linux one. I found this way http://www.howtogeek.com/141325/how-to- ... berryboot/ how to convert from Rune img file to squashfs file for the installation in BootBerry that I call you who know Linux to do this for us.
Thank you so much for your attention especially for ones who will help us for the above said conversion.
Hope this helps a bit to Rune fan.