Multiple Wifi Settings

Raspberry Pi related support

Multiple Wifi Settings

Postby Tall Person » 05 Nov 2017, 22:38

Hi ,
I have my Pi Zero running headless with a Hifiberry DAC nicely, but am looking to add alternative wifi settings for when I roam between different locations. I had setup a TP Link Powerline wifi extender in the garage, but my android devices do not roam and so always seem to end up stuck on the original wifi signal when I go into the garage even thought the SSID and settings are identical. I then have to disconnect and reconnect before it latches on to the strongest signal. I believe its because the ranges do not overlap or android will not roam automatically.

Can someone tell me how to go into the configuration of the Pi and add a second network? It is easy under the normal Rasbian build by adding multiple networks in the /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf file, but I don't know if this would work in the Rune build as there does not appear to be any of my settings saved there. I am using 0.4 version.

Many thanks.

-Raspberry Pi B rev 2, Hifiberry DAC
-Raspberry Pi Zero W, Hifiberry DAC, Runeaudio 0.4
Tall Person
Posts: 16
Joined: 16 Sep 2017, 19:43

Re: Multiple Wifi Settings

Postby hondagx35 » 06 Nov 2017, 23:35

Hi Tall Person,

Rune can store more than one wifi profile.
Rune will automatically use the first profile to which a connection is possible.

You can add the profiles by clicking on a SSID on the nearby wifi list or add it manually from the network page.
It can also be done via console by copying and modifying existing profiles.
All profiles are stored in "/etc/netctl" folder.

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Re: Multiple Wifi Settings

Postby Tall Person » 07 Nov 2017, 00:25

Thanks Frank. Found them where you said, but opening with SSH and nano command does not reveal any I need to use some other editor?
-Raspberry Pi B rev 2, Hifiberry DAC
-Raspberry Pi Zero W, Hifiberry DAC, Runeaudio 0.4
Tall Person
Posts: 16
Joined: 16 Sep 2017, 19:43

Re: Multiple Wifi Settings

Postby Tall Person » 07 Nov 2017, 00:33

Cancel that last post Frank, it does work, my ssid had a space in the name which was causing me to not actually open the wifi file!
-Raspberry Pi B rev 2, Hifiberry DAC
-Raspberry Pi Zero W, Hifiberry DAC, Runeaudio 0.4
Tall Person
Posts: 16
Joined: 16 Sep 2017, 19:43

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