At first and as many people already did, I would like to thank you for your hard work ! I was looking for a distrib to use with Spotify, I tried Musicbox at first but yours is cleary prettier to use.
Here is my report (I'm using a RPi B+ with Hifiberry DAC+) :
- It's sad that we can't navigate through albums and artists with RuneAudio, but I read somewhere that you already know that and can't do better by now because of Spotify
- I'm using a Hifiberry Dacplus and after each reboot, I gotta go to the options to set it back to default. Isn't there any way to fix it by ourselves before the next patch gets out ?
- Plus, kinda linked to the previous one, my Spotify list of playlists is empty (when I click on Spotify under "Library", it loads the page but shows a single empty playlist called "Undefined") after each reboot, and the playlists only appear after I fixed the Audio Output thing (see previous point).
- I just can't use usb-key. When I plug it on, it gets recognized on web interface, but when I click on it under Libraby, nothing happens. I tried to format it with Gparted as Fat32, tried to put FLAC and MP3 aswell, even on the root, nothing used to work.
- I can't set a static ip adress, but this issue was already reported ; I used the MAC adress thing to have the same IP at each boot.
I know some issues were already reported, but as I had multiple one, I posted them all here. Hope you can fix it soon, or maybe tell me some way to do it by myself.
Thanks !