NAS read severly crack on RuneAudio &not on Volumio [solved]

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NAS read severly crack on RuneAudio &not on Volumio [solved]

Postby rotor » 24 Jan 2018, 17:31

Hello to all,

I just post on this forum, because I have a little problem that I can not solve. Problem that puzzles me ...

(Since I'm not very fluent with English, I created a diagram of my configuration to help clarify my statements)

First of all, to be a little clearer in my question and my request for help, a bit of context:

I set up a NAS under Openmediavault installed on a Rapberry Pi 3, a few days ago, and sent my music.

So, I started to try to read my files on the Raspberry N ° 1, unobtainable result, full of cracks, slowdowns and jerks.
I said that I go via hdmi in an amp, which itself manages decoding.
A little disappointed, I test the reading of these files from my pc under Lubuntu (Wifi), and it works properly.
I then did a lot of research, without much result, the only information about clear and serious that I found is that the speed of the Wifi is not enough to trace the files quickly to the Raspi N ° 1.

Being in possession of a second Raspberry Pi 3 (Raspi No. 2), mid up for the same use as the Raspi No. 1, but on the other side of CPL. Connected, too, by Wifi to a Wifi point.
So I tried reading the files on the NAS from the Raspi No. 2 located next to the Wifi point (much closer than the Raspi No. 1).
Result identical to the Raspi N ° 1, inécoutable, full of cracks, slowdowns and saccades.

Perplexed, I test again with my computer from the second Wifi, it works.

Even more puzzled, and having an unused Micro-SD card, I download, install and Volumio setting, like that to try.
Surprising result, the same files, very heavy, in 24 bits, 96000 and ~ 3000kbps, passes without problem of reading ...

So I updated the Raspi N ° 1 with git-pull, provide if it changed something, and ... it does not change anything, just like playing with different buffers, by the way.

So, I wondered, why, Runeaudio galley, while Volumio him there? Is this a non-tunable / manageable network buffer history? Are there software hacks to do to improve this?

I ask these questions, because I would like to stay on Runaudio, I do not like the sound signature of Volumio.

I thank you in advance for your help.

(and excuse me for the Google translation, which is still better than me)

Last edited by rotor on 20 Feb 2018, 14:51, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: 24 Jan 2018, 17:14

Re: NAS read severly crack on RuneAudio, and not on Volumio.

Postby Stephane » 27 Jan 2018, 09:49


How are you accessing your NAS ? Samba or NFS ?
I am using NFS on a PI3 and a PI2 accessing a Freebox and a Dlink DN320L without any problem.

Stéphane Acounis
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Re: NAS read severly crack on RuneAudio, and not on Volumio.

Postby rotor » 29 Jan 2018, 17:43

Hello, sorry for delay of the answer, i have not reveived notification about a new message :/

I use smb protocol, in the all case, and it's work fine only with Volumio, it's strange, i think. And ihave no idea for what.

I haved try to use nfs, but, i have fail somewhere to setup it. And i find us pretty complicate/setup too comparatively at smb, i decide to use the last one.

Any way, thank for your help ^_^

(and sorry for the bad English, this is not Google translate, this time ^^)
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Joined: 24 Jan 2018, 17:14

Re: NAS read severly crack on RuneAudio, and not on Volumio.

Postby Stephane » 29 Jan 2018, 18:39


Il doit y avoir des paramètres passés par Volumio qui sont absents dans Rune.
Essaie de te connecter via SSH sur le olayer Volumio puis tape mount et récupère les options de montage. Ensuite tu pourras les rentrer sur Rune.

Stéphane Acounis
Posts: 71
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Re: NAS read severly crack on RuneAudio, and not on Volumio.

Postby rotor » 04 Feb 2018, 16:34

C'est une bonne idée, j'ai test ça dès que j'en ai l'occasion. Je posterais les différences, si il y en a.

Merci pour l'aide.
(et le Français ^^)
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Joined: 24 Jan 2018, 17:14

Re: NAS read severly crack on RuneAudio, and not on Volumio.

Postby rotor » 04 Feb 2018, 18:11

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Joined: 24 Jan 2018, 17:14

Re: NAS read severly crack on RuneAudio, and not on Volumio.

Postby rotor » 20 Feb 2018, 14:48

Je reviens, comme promis, pour donner le résultat, à priori définitif. La manip. fonctionne, bien que j'ai de temps à autre des glitch sonore et coupures, mais cela, je l'impute à un Rune Audio devenu instable.
J'ai remarqué, et ce n'est pas la première fois, que quelques temps après une maj en ssh avec git pull, mon Rune Audio devient instable et a parfois des comportements capricieux, refusant de lancer la lecture, d'afficher les sources, ne sortant pas son malgré une lecture en cour, bref, ceci est un autre souci.

Encore merci à tous pour l'aide. \m/
Posts: 5
Joined: 24 Jan 2018, 17:14

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