Thank you both,
I have changed from a Hifiberry DAC to a AMP and there I miss a simple method to change the volume.
This was the reason to add some small display to the RPI to change the volume locally without the PC / Laptop etc.
It is not intended to have the full features of the RuneUI on the small display, as this will make definitely no sense.
The picture gives you an impression on what I am trying to do:
However there are further things, which I think of:
- Select one of (up to 6 or so) pre-defined radio stations.
- Select a playlist.
But back to the basics (one step after the other
I see that the values are updated by a pushstream method from the server side (thank you Frank for pointing to the right direction). I assume that I need to put some code inside the function
updateGUI in
runeui.js to update my own volume display.