Network and mounts lost after reboot.

Raspberry Pi related support

Network and mounts lost after reboot.

Postby atomiclama » 14 Sep 2018, 10:15

Hi all,

Hope someone can help.

Everything is up and running ok Raspberry pi model A -> wifi dongle -> NFS -> Ubuntu file server.
Music playing fine.

But when I reboot then start up the web interface it has lost the mount points and says none of the networks are configured, but I'm attached to it through the wifi.

In the web interface if I then refresh the network connections the wifi status goes green, the mount points then show up and can be remounted and all is fine till the next reboot.

I have seen comments about the network being slow to start up and runeaudio not waiting but cannot find anything to change to cause runeaudio to wait or retry.

Any suggestions ? Ideas?

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