I am using a raspberry pi B+ and a hifiberry DAC. I have set up runeaudio on my SD card some weeks ago and used it since.
Then the other day, I wanted to add music from spotify to the queue. Nothing happened. Then Playback stopped, the playlist was empfty and more such issues occured. Somewhen I wasnt able to reach the interface via browser anymore. I was though able to ping it and log into it via ssh.
Netctl settings seemed untouched, nothing odd to see. So I rebooted the system. Since then, it will not appear on the network anymore.
I attached a keyboard and a monitor and was able to log in. systemctl and journalctl did not provide me any information I was able to compute. Anyhow, dmesg showed me some infos saying that the system wasnt able to up the eth0 device (or brm<foo>).
I am not that good in debugging linux systems and stuff connected to hardware isn't my area of expertise.
I tried to fire up eth0 via netctl and via systemctl which was using netctl. It worked once, but only for a short while and since then nothing i tried worked anymore.
SD card seems okay, I mounted it on my desktop. Beside the hifiberry, there is a usb hdd connected and network comes via rj45 cable.
btw, I used the search functionality but didnt find a suiting issue. Maybe you can prove me wrong.
Elsewise, do you have any ideas for me?
Edit: I can provide detailed information later after work.