Network music folder

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Network music folder

Postby nzlowie » 03 Jun 2016, 09:55

Hi guys
Getting there with the setup of my rune system.....
I have everything up an running but I'm having trouble accessing the music folder on my network. I've used a an app on my tablet and it tells me the address is: smb:// yet when i enter that into the network mount it can't find my drive. is the address of my router and the hdd is attached to that.

Also is there any difference in audio quality playing from the network as aposed to playing from a memory stick?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Network music folder

Postby hondagx35 » 03 Jun 2016, 11:37

Hi Dave,

please try it like this:
smb1.jpg (86.2 KiB) Viewed 1464 times

You can try it first with guest access on, if it does not work turn it off and enter user / passwd (has to exist on your router).
Keep in mind, that most fields are case sensitive.

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Re: Network music folder

Postby nzlowie » 03 Jun 2016, 15:50

Thanks Frank, first for the reply but mostly for the great program! Right got connected to my network hdd but only when i used Daves, when i went to the next folder level it wouldn't accept it..... i then checked the library and it wouldn't show any other folders.
Any more ideas?

Also something else I've noticed with this installed on my Samsung tab s is that after you access the menus and return to the player screen the library , que bar at the bottom of the page moves way down off the screen. To start i thought it had gone completely but it there just rolled of the bottom of the screen. Just thought this might help as you keep working on this.

Thanks again, Dave

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Re: Network music folder

Postby albert6720 » 20 Jul 2016, 17:35

Why not change the location of the desired folder if it is not working properly. Hope changing the location may help you.
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