This is an interesting situation...
Just started running the beta 04b of rune (Linux RuneAudio 4.4.39-ARCH+ #5 SMP Sat Feb 11 15:43:36 CET 2017 armv7l GNU/Linux) and I'm listening to it (internet) and it stops...
Turns out that there is a power outage somewhere in my city (PG&E back to their tricks), although not affecting me directly, that knocks out my network providers uplink. It looks like I can hit the internet, but I'm stuck in my providers network.
I try and access RuneAudio UI on my network, and it is sluggish and never completes completly. I pass thinking it's something to do with my server. An hour or two later the network is back, but I cant get RuneAudio to complete on the main page. I can get to the library. It denotes the expected number of entries in LocalStorage and WebRadio in the menu level... the directories in /mnt/MPD/... have the expected files, but via the UI, once in the LoclStorage view or Web Radios view - there is nothing. I checked Redis too, and it's correct. rebuilding the MPD library does not correct the situation.
Thoughts, ideas?