Networking config on RPI

Raspberry Pi related support

Networking config on RPI

Postby ipbasura » 15 Feb 2018, 20:27

I would like to try runeaudio, instead of Plex or XBMC on RPI3 and RPIz, but network config is a big issue.
My internal network architecture, with static ip's in a range diferent than 192.168, obliges me to make some changes in my network, and my interest in runeaudio is not enough strong to do it.
I hope, this app is build over a raspbian stretch or weezy,.
I will try at boot as root to investigate some posible changes in networking, but an other issue is the keyboard...
I will spend no more than 30 minutes on it, if I can solve this issue in this time, I will forget Runeadio, and will recommend it only for people with a dump network infrastructure based on DHCP
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