[MOD] New function added: Volume fade over time

Suggestions/requests/ideas for RuneAudio core features and functions

[MOD] New function added: Volume fade over time

Postby cyber7 » 04 Feb 2015, 11:04

Ok guys
for you have been following my blog and postings will see that I have been looking at creating a player that will enable me to fade/slide volume over time. I have now written a function that enables you to do just that. Following my logic, you can also add additional screens/functions into RuneAudio. I will be looking at changing to a specific playlist at a pre-specified time.

Here is the screenshot:
fade.jpg (61.69 KiB) Viewed 15829 times

Here is the instructions (first by hand if you want to see the logic) then automated with the attached tar file:
By Hand:
Installing Volume Fade Over Time:
1. "pacman -S bc"
2. "vi /var/www/app/templates/header.php"
add after line 79:
<li class="<?=$this->uri(1, 'fade', 'active')?>"><a href="/fade/"><i class="fa fa-volume-up"></i> Fade</a></li>
NOTE: http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/ has all the fa-FONTS
3. dump fade.php into "/var/www/app/templates/"
4. dump "mpc_fade" to /var/www/
5. "cd /var/www/app"
"cp credits_ctl.php fade_ctl.php"
6. "vi /var/www/index.php"
add after line 56:
without the ""
7. Restart your system

1. "pacman -S bc"
2. "cd /var/www"
3. "tar -xvf fade.tar"
4. Restart your system.

cool hey?
cyber7 (aka Aubrey Kloppers; Cape Town; South Africa)
Dump file to /var/www/
(20 KiB) Downloaded 771 times
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Re: [MOD] New function added: Volume fade over time

Postby ACX » 04 Feb 2015, 14:24

Well done cyber7, I'm sure this is going to be helpful for many users.
While we find a proper way to integrate this feature in the official releases, I'm moving this topic in the "Feature request" forum marked as [MOD] and as sticky post.
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Re: [MOD] New function added: Volume fade over time

Postby tatoosh » 10 Feb 2015, 17:16

Good one!
The script needs to extend spop deamon feature.
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Re: [MOD] New function added: Volume fade over time

Postby hondagx35 » 07 Mar 2015, 18:26

Hi cyber7,
Hi all,

this MOD won't work anymore with RuneAudio 0.4. and the RP2 image.
Please edit the file /srv/http/app/templates/fade.php so it uses sysCmd and sysCmdAsync instead of shell_exec, see also .

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Re: [MOD] New function added: Volume fade over time

Postby viklander » 14 Mar 2015, 12:16

Hey Cyber 7
real cool add-on, I missed it badly until then.
Warm regards from sunny (!) northern France
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Re: [MOD] New function added: Volume fade over time

Postby tschinz » 16 Apr 2015, 07:31

Cool feature,

I would like to extent it.

1. Fade up or down
2. sleep, wakeup timer

sleep = music fades down over time to a min level
wakeup = music fades up over time to a max level

Any plans for doing that?

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Re: [MOD] New function added: Volume fade over time

Postby Velkam » 06 Oct 2015, 10:43


Can anybody regarding files placing on /var/www I am completely new to Linux console and partition. I am unable to access the hidden Linux partition from windows. Linux mint cannot access www folder, says something about bad link. I cannot boot Ubuntu because of kernel panic, do not know the cause. Hod do I place the files there? Is it possible to move the file with console from boot partition to Linux partition?
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