New install

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New install

Postby chrisryburn » 02 May 2016, 00:09

This is my first post.
I read an article some months ago regards using Raspberry PI to replace my music server. I have quite good gear i.e. Elac speakers, unison research SET amplifier, Thorens turntable, vampire interconnects, kimber cable and Cambridge Dac Magic + (I had listened to several DACs including Audio Note, but could detect no discernible improvements with some of the more expensive DAC's to warrant the much higher cost).
I bought the Raspberry PI 2, followed instructions to install Runeaudio, and, everything worked!!!
Being an inveterate fiddler, I found 2 other options on the internet in terms of software to try - Volumio (version 1.55 and 2 RC1) and Moode audio (2.5 and 2.6 TC2).
I'm sure both Moode and Volumio are excellent products, but, I decided I would put aside my desire to fiddle. (one of the issues I see with so many Linux products is they require fiddling to make them work). Whilst I followed instructions for all 4 versions and repeated install for each several times - none worked 'straight out of the box'.
As I finished trying to install each version I'd take out the SD and place back the Rune SD into the Raspberry, plug everything in and, it worked - just fine! :)

To the people who work on the product - THANKYOU! For me anyhow, a Linux product that works 'straight of the box'!
Oh, and the sound? My MAC server and audirvana have been retired - the sound is superb!
Again, thanks to the RuneAudio team!!!
Posts: 15
Joined: 01 May 2016, 23:40

Re: New install

Postby hondagx35 » 02 May 2016, 06:12

Hi chrisryburn,

welcome to RuneAudio.

Thank you for the positive feedback and happy listening.

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Re: New install

Postby tboooe » 02 May 2016, 14:18

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Re: New install

Postby chrisryburn » 03 May 2016, 01:16

Hmmm, you've piqued my interest!
I read one article recently where the reviewer had added a linear power supply to a DAC and to the Raspberry PI. His view was - no difference with hookup to Raspberry PI 2b, significant difference with hookup to DAC. I've heard similar from reviews regards my Dacmagic +, in that a good power supply to replace the wall wart gives enough of an improvement to the sound to warrant the outlay.
So, I await the results of your endeavours with some interest!
Posts: 15
Joined: 01 May 2016, 23:40

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